Sunday, June 23, 2024

2016 Camp Crossover (Camper)

2018 Camp Promise (Helper)

2019 WOW Conference (Card game facilitator)

2021 Camp Connect (Assistant Group Leader)

2022 Camp Deeper (Camp Com)

2023 Camp Build (Helper)

2024 Camp X (Assistant Group Leader)

Reality 1: God is always at work around me.

Reality 3: God invites me to become involved with Him in His work.

Reality 5: God's invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action

Jan 13 2024

I texted Den that I am willing to be placed anywhere she needs me to be.

At that time, Den invited me to be in camp com. But due to certain circumstances, she needed to release me. 

Fast forwards, I found out that I was placed in a group to be the assistant group leader. 

Honestly, I struggled. Since I am not in camp com, I just wanted to be a game helper. Setup the game station, explain the game. Do not need to cheer, follow the group members around. Do what the members need to do. Basically it wasn't that I can't do, its just that I won't do. Also partly because I am really bad at games and I didn't want to be a burden.

But I looked back at the message I sent Den in Jan. I am willing to be placed anywhere she needs me to be. I am willing. Anywhere.

I am not someone who goes back on her word. Hence I just went ahead with it. 

Being a group leader after so long not only brought back memories, it also gave me an opportunity to interact with members that I have not interacted before. They were all really welcoming of me and it was good to partner James once again. 

Even though I was only with them for one and a half days, but I could see their growth, trying to help in ways that they can. Both Charlotte and Kateriel came and hug me before I left. Which was really touching to me. Also thankful for the opportunity to be Hana's interpretor, putting my language skills to the test. Though I felt a bit sad for leaving early, but when James texted me that after I left, some of them help with the facilitation of devotion and sharing, it made me happy. Sometimes, our absence can help more people to step up. 

As I was walking home from work on Friday. The realities from experiencing God popped up in my mind. It is true that God is always at work around us. His invitation is not some huge thunderbolt moment, sometimes it is something very subtle, and whether or not you choose to partake in His work, He will still get on with you. You are the one losing out. 

I accepted His invitation and oh boy did I struggle. The decision to say yes to becoming a group leader. The decision to come on a public holiday to setup the place. The decision to participate to my best in the games, to cheer with them and let loose a bit. Even for 1.5 days, that it will be worthwhile. It requires faith and action that God is doing something in these young people's lives and I want to be part of it. 

I am glad that I got to be part of it. This to me is a breakthrough and a lesson from camp. A tiny step in multiplying my horizon.

= do something right =

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